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Need mental health support?
If someone has thoughts or feelings about suicide, it's important to seek help. If you are worried that someone might be thinking about suicide, don't be afraid to ask them directly. These resources and links may help you, or someone you care about, find the support they need.
Depressed? Having suicidal thoughts?
If someone has thoughts or feelings about suicide, it's important to seek help. If you are worried that someone might be thinking about suicide, don't be afraid to ask them directly. These resources and links may help you, or someone you care about, find the support they need.
Havelock North Gastro Outbreak 2016 Key charts
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General enquiries about a patient or hospital services:Please phone the call centre 06 878 8109 or click here to send them an email. Enquiries about community-funded services:Please phone 06 878 8109.
New Wairoa Health Manager Appointed
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is pleased to announce the promotion of Wairoa Health’s Clinical Nurse Manager, Sonya Smith, into the role of Wairoa Health Manager - a one year secondment placement to 23 July 2019.
Countdown Kids Appeal grants top two wish list requests
Tears of joy were shed by Hawke’s Bay Hospital’s frontline paediatric staff at the Countdown Kids Hospital Appeal announcement this morning, with the news a special isolation room and dedicated outside space for immune-compromised kids would become a reality.
Free bus trial for DHB staff
A free bus fare incentive for staff getting to and from Hawke’s Bay Hospital and Napier Health will kick off from 10 July, Hawke’s Bay District Health Board (HBDHB) announced today.
Next week's nurses' strike averted
The New Zealand Nurses Organisation and the country’s District Health Boards today agreed a revised offer that will be taken to NZNO nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants next week.
I'm hapū/pregnant - what now?
The top 5 for my baby to thrive. First 10 weeks of pregnancy and beyond. Find a midwife
The first thing that you have to make sure of is to Find a Midwife.