Hawke’s Bay Hospital busy
Hawke’s Bay Hospital is busy and people with less serious health concerns are asked to think twice before going to the Emergency Department.
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Hawke’s Bay Hospital is busy and people with less serious health concerns are asked to think twice before going to the Emergency Department.
Six cases of Paratyphoid Fever have now been confirmed by Hawke’s Bay District Health Board, today (26 September). Five confirmed cases have required hospital care at Hawke’s Bay Hospital, and another has needed treatment in Auckland. All patients are recovering with treatment.
The district health board is pleased to advise it has made contact with all, but one, of the people at risk from equipment that had not been completely sterilised and was used in Hawke’s Bay Hospital’s operating theatres and sent to outpatient clinics.
Welcome to Monday’s Hawke’s Bay District Health Board update August 22Presentations to Hawke’s Bay Hospital’s Emergency Department and to General Practice with people who have a gastro illnesses continues to tail off.
Hawke’s Bay Hospital services will be severely impacted with many outpatient clinics and non-emergency surgeries postponed due to next week's planned three-day, 73 hour national strike by junior doctors. Contingency planning is in place to ensure emergency and urgent care services are available at Hawke’s Bay Hospital.
Presentations to accident and medical centres today have been high with 40 people so far presenting to Hastings Health Centre. Other accident and medical centres in the area are also seeing increased numbers of people with vomiting and diarrhoea.
Ten cases of Paratyphoid Fever have now been confirmed by Hawke’s Bay District Health Board, and a number of other cases have been tested with results still pending. The district health board has also identified a link to another Tangi recently held in the bay.
There are a range of health care services available in Hawke’s Bay. Choosing the right service for your symptoms means you get the right treatment in the right place. Looking for after-hours services, including accident clinics, pharmacies and dentists? Click here.
What is diabetes? For our bodies to function normally, we all need a constant supply of glucose in our blood - this is what gives us energy and makes our body work (a bit like putting fuel in a car).
22 September, 2017
Three cases of Paratyphoid confirmed
Hawke's Bay District Health Board is investigating three Paratyphoid cases reported over the last week. Paratyphoid is a similar illness to typhoid fever and can cause serious illness. All three people have needed hospital care.