TED Lessons - Brain Scans
TED lessons come with a video and teaching resources
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TED lessons come with a video and teaching resources
TED Lessons come with a video and teaching resources
TED Lessons come with a video and teaching resources
TED lessons come with a video and teaching resources.
There are healthy options to many of your favourite takeaways
If you suffer from upset stomach, insomnia, and anxiety, it may be because you've been breathing wrong. Psychologist and author of "Breathe", Dr. Belisa Vranich explains how we came to learn to breathe like this, and why breathing correctly could help us all.
Did you know that fruit juice can contain a similar amount of sugar per 100ml as a fizzy drink? And at 7 cubes per can that's the sum total amount of sugar an adult should be consuming in an entire day!
How much sugar / How much carbohydrate in common fruits?
Quality Science from the Royal Society
Find out the conditions that could arise if a healthy balanced diet is not followed. These are 10 conditions that are caused by poor nutritional status.
Parents.com provides an information hub for parents including strength training exercises. Strength training means using body weight to help build up strength. Perfect for kids and the whole family.
Our core plays an integral role in everything we do, and if a child has weak core muscles, it will not only impact her gross motor skills and her ability to navigate the playground equipment at recess, but it will also make it difficult for her to control the fine motor skills needed to engage in academic activities like writing and cutting with scissors.
Website of Sport HB - creating a healthy vibrant community by supporting our people to be more physically active
Agility, as defined by the National Strength and Conditioning Association, is the ability to change directions and gain speed without losing motor control. It is directly related to speed, balance and coordination skills. Children develop speed and agility at an early age, when they chase their friends or their family pet around the yard.
An inquiry-based unit plan that aims to educate students about the importance of healthy snacking and how to choose healthier options. The unit provides links to the curriculum and national standards assessment. National Heart Foundation
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Make a mobile
Fill in the names of the bones
The resources were designed predominantly for kaiako in kohanga reo, but can be used by any early childhood educators, regional sports trusts and others who provide advice to parents, caregivers and whānau on active play for tamariki under five years of age.
The resources consist of:
What's the deal with that sharp pain in your side when you're trying to win that marathon? SciShow has the answers!