Gastro update Tuesday 16 August
UPDATE Gastro illness in Havelock North Tuesday 5pm 16th AugustThe health system in Hawke’s Bay is coping well with the current outbreak of gastric illness.
Haere maiHow can we help?
UPDATE Gastro illness in Havelock North Tuesday 5pm 16th AugustThe health system in Hawke’s Bay is coping well with the current outbreak of gastric illness.
Hawke’s Bay parents are invited to take part in this week’s global “Big Latch On” event at registered locations across the region to help promote the health and wellbeing benefits of breastfeeding.
12 July 2017
The surge of winter illnesses in Hawke’s Bay is impacting the whole of the Hawke’s Bay health system and there is important advice for locals on how to best manage their care.
Antenatal breastfeeding classesFree antenatal breastfeeding classes are offered at Hawke's Bay Hospital in Hastings on the first Monday of every month (unless that Monday is a public holiday, in which case the class will be on the following Monday).
Hawke’s Bay DHB has an interpreting service which is available to hospital patients and people in the community. This service is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
23 April 2018
This Anzac Day, 25 April 2018, marks the 90th anniversary of the opening of Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital – New Zealand’s only soldiers’ memorial hospital.
Good afternoon – here’s our update for Thursday 18 August. Clearly it’s been a busy day for both the DHB and the District Council. Here’s the latest information. By the numbersAs of today’s briefing, the DHB had 87 confirmed notifications, and 250 probables for a total of 337.
20 March 2018
The swim warning that has been in place in Pandora Pond has today been downgraded to ‘caution advised’. Caution Advised: Overall this site is considered a moderate infection risk.
We spend 70% of our time in our homes. It is important to our health that homes are warm, dry and free of mould.
Immunisation is one of the most effective ways of helping people stay well and free from many diseases. It is recommended by the World Health Organization, the New Zealand Ministry of Health and medical authorities. There is information here about the National Immunisation Programme.