Choose Well This Holiday Period
Hawke’s Bay people and visitors are encouraged to Choose Well for health care this Christmas/New Year holiday period.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Hawke’s Bay people and visitors are encouraged to Choose Well for health care this Christmas/New Year holiday period.
Welcome to Tuesday’s Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Update 23 August 2016.
The top 5 for my baby to thrive. First 10 weeks of pregnancy and beyond. Find a midwife
The first thing that you have to make sure of is to Find a Midwife.
Presentations to accident and medical centres continue to increase. Yesterday 183 people presented to a GP and Hawke’s Bay Hospital had 11 people present overnight, two were admitted.
26 July 2017
Hawke’s Bay Hospital continues to remain extremely busy with an increase in admissions of people experiencing respiratory illnesses like asthma, pneumonia and bronchitis.
The Speech and Language Therapy Department assess, diagnose, treat, report and provide advice for adult patients with communication and swallowing disorders.
Our aim is to maximise communication potential and promote management of swallowing difficulties.
We provide services to inpatients, outpatients and community patients within Hawke’s Bay.
Hawke's Bay health services include services provided:
in your home
by your family doctor
in schools, kohanga and workplaces
by a pharmacist, dentist or physiotherapist
in an aged residential care facility
in hospitals and health centres
Need more information?
Health conditions A-Z
Find a family doctor or GP
Find a dentist
Find a community (school) dental clinic
Find a pharmacy near you
Find a…
If you are looking for a family doctor, have a look at the list and find one near you. You can also search our database by location. Click on the name of the family doctor/GP to see contact numbers, address details and hours.
. . . a pathway to better wellbeing, less pain and better mobility
MAP is a free programme lasting up the three months for people who have painful joint or muscle problems
To find out moreClick here for MAP information brochure
Click here for MAP poster
The Medical Day Unit was set up to improve the management of short stay patients who require further treatment and care but do not requrie an inpatient bed.