Community Mental Health South
Community Mental Health South consists of two teams, one based at Hawke's Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital and another at Central Hawke's Bay Health Centre.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Community Mental Health South consists of two teams, one based at Hawke's Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital and another at Central Hawke's Bay Health Centre.
If you are having problems with your digestive system it is likely that you will be referred to the Gastroenterology Outpatients Department.
General enquiries about a patient or hospital services:Please phone the call centre 06 878 8109 or click here to send them an email. Enquiries about community-funded services:Please phone 06 878 8109.
Continence services support people who are incontinent. The service works with people to enable them to better manage incontinence, maintain their independence and quality of life, and to reduce health complications which can arise from incontinence.
The Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Laboratory Service has facilities in Hastings, Napier, Central Hawke’s Bay and Wairoa.