Stomach bug widespread in community
More people presenting to Hawke’s Bay Hospital in the past 24 hours with a stomach bug has seen the hospital close its Acute Assessment Unit (AAU) to act as an isolation unit for people with the bug.
Haere maiHow can we help?
More people presenting to Hawke’s Bay Hospital in the past 24 hours with a stomach bug has seen the hospital close its Acute Assessment Unit (AAU) to act as an isolation unit for people with the bug.
Maternity Team Vision“Protectors of normal birth for women by women with a Whānau Ora approach that develops self-determination, empowering and supporting women and their whānau in a flexible creative women centred service.
If you start to feel unwell this winter, seek medical help early before your symptoms get worse – that’s the advice from Hawke’ Bay District Health Board.
Health education resources are available from the ground floor of Napier Health, 76 Wellesley Road, Napier. We have information on a wide range of health topics. We have free pamphlets, booklets, posters, DVDs and education kits available.
If someone has thoughts or feelings about suicide, it's important to seek help. If you are worried that someone might be thinking about suicide, don't be afraid to ask them directly. These resources and links may help you, or someone you care about, find the support they need.
If someone has thoughts or feelings about suicide, it's important to seek help. If you are worried that someone might be thinking about suicide, don't be afraid to ask them directly. These resources and links may help you, or someone you care about, find the support they need.
Welcome to Tuesday’s Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Update 23 August 2016.
12 July 2017
The surge of winter illnesses in Hawke’s Bay is impacting the whole of the Hawke’s Bay health system and there is important advice for locals on how to best manage their care.
Tears of joy were shed by Hawke’s Bay Hospital’s frontline paediatric staff at the Countdown Kids Hospital Appeal announcement this morning, with the news a special isolation room and dedicated outside space for immune-compromised kids would become a reality.
What is it?Hoki ki te Kāinga is a service for people who will benefit from a short period of intensive rehabilitation in their own home after a stay in hospital.