Children services
Paediatric and child servicesIf your child is unwell, injured or in need of surgery, and 15 years old or younger, they will be cared for in Hawke's Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Children's Ward.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Paediatric and child servicesIf your child is unwell, injured or in need of surgery, and 15 years old or younger, they will be cared for in Hawke's Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Children's Ward.
The top 5 for my baby to thrive. First 10 weeks of pregnancy and beyond. Find a midwife
The first thing that you have to make sure of is to Find a Midwife.
Members of New Zealand Nurses Organisation are now taking strike action for 24 hours from 7am today until 7am Friday 13 July. What you need to know:Hawke’s Bay Hospital is very busy.
It’s hard to ask … kidney donation is one of the most generous gifts that can be given. When you donate a kidney, you are giving the recipient back their vitality, as well as freeing them up from dialysis treatment.
Risky drinking is a significant problem in Hawke’s Bay. One in every four adults drinks too much – this means they are likely to be harming their own health or causing harm to others through their drinking.
Felicity the Greyhound is a new member of Hawke’s Bay Hospital’s Intensive Care team. While she might not have the medical and nursing backgrounds of those who work in the unit, she’s no fool to working out who needs a pat or a friendly paw.
Mumps case confirmed at Waipukurau school
Adults and parents with children at Waipukurau Primary School in Central Hawke’s Bay are being asked to check their immunisation status following a confirmed case of Mumps at the school.
People with unwanted cots are being encouraged to donate them to a new cot bank initiative aimed at preventing sudden unexplained death in infancy (SUDI).