Choose Well This Holiday Period
Hawke’s Bay people and visitors are encouraged to Choose Well for health care this Christmas/New Year holiday period.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Hawke’s Bay people and visitors are encouraged to Choose Well for health care this Christmas/New Year holiday period.
HastingsUrgent care centresHastings Health Centre Accident and Medical - 8am-8pm 7 days a week
Other practices open after-hoursMedical and Injury - Saturday 9am-8pm, Sunday 9am-8pm, public holidays 9am-8pm (if closed call practice by phone)
Totara Health, Flaxmere - Saturday 9am-6pm, Sunday 9am-6pm; public holidays 9am-6pm (clinics and phones open from 8:30am)
Te Mata Peak Practice…
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is committed to patient safety and the delivery of high quality patient care.
What is it?Hoki ki te Kāinga is a service for people who will benefit from a short period of intensive rehabilitation in their own home after a stay in hospital.
Looking inside your body made easyWhen you come to Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital it is possible that we will not immediately know what’s going on inside your body.
Adverse events need robust reporting cultureReporting adverse events in a timely way to develop a robust reporting culture are integral to learning from the national Serious Adverse Events report, released today by the Health Quality and Safety Commission, (HQSC).
Hawke’s Bay parents are invited to take part in this week’s global “Big Latch On” event at registered locations across the region to help promote the health and wellbeing benefits of breastfeeding.
Good afternoon – here’s our update for Thursday 18 August. Clearly it’s been a busy day for both the DHB and the District Council. Here’s the latest information. By the numbersAs of today’s briefing, the DHB had 87 confirmed notifications, and 250 probables for a total of 337.
This is a special unit for babies that are born early or are unwell at birth. The doctors and nurses will work with you to decide what is the best care for your baby and you will always be kept fully informed of your baby’s progress.
A free bus fare incentive for staff getting to and from Hawke’s Bay Hospital and Napier Health will kick off from 10 July, Hawke’s Bay District Health Board (HBDHB) announced today.