Gastro update Tuesday 23 August
Welcome to Tuesday’s Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Update 23 August 2016.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Welcome to Tuesday’s Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Update 23 August 2016.
A free bus fare incentive for staff getting to and from Hawke’s Bay Hospital and Napier Health will kick off from 10 July, Hawke’s Bay District Health Board (HBDHB) announced today.
The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Programme is a mental health and addiction sector owned and led initiative that facilitates continuous service quality improvement across all Health NZ districts and NGO's through collective data analysis and benchmarking, learning and problem solving.
Love, affection and sexual intimacy all play a role in healthy relationships and contribute to our sense of well-being. Free sexual health services are available for youth in General Practices - providing youth access to contraception and sexual health services by trained professionals.
22 September, 2017
Three cases of Paratyphoid confirmed
Hawke's Bay District Health Board is investigating three Paratyphoid cases reported over the last week. Paratyphoid is a similar illness to typhoid fever and can cause serious illness. All three people have needed hospital care.
If your family doctor thinks you are suffering from a complaint to do with the nervous system they may ask advice from a neurologist, who is a specialist in diagnosing such complaints. Your doctor may also decide to refer you to a neurologist for an opinion.
Welcome to Thursday’s Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Update, 25 August 2016
A total of five people are in Hawke’s Bay Hospital with campylobacter, two fewer than yesterday.
Ten cases of Paratyphoid Fever have now been confirmed by Hawke’s Bay District Health Board, and a number of other cases have been tested with results still pending. The district health board has also identified a link to another Tangi recently held in the bay.
Becoming a new parent is a wonderful experience but can be stressful and overwhelming at times. Babies need gentle care and handling - time to adjust to being in their new world.
All requests for patient conditions, staff and patient interviews, photographs or filming must be made through the National Media Team. After hours weekdays and weekends media requests can be sent to:
hnzmedia@tewhatuora. govt.