Orthotic service
Orthotics is the branch of medicine that deals with the provision and use of artificial devices such as splints and braces. It is a service which assesses patients in hospital, and follows up with outpatients offsite in Hastings.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Orthotics is the branch of medicine that deals with the provision and use of artificial devices such as splints and braces. It is a service which assesses patients in hospital, and follows up with outpatients offsite in Hastings.
Wairoa Community Mental Health is a service that provides assessment and treatment for people who are experiencing an altered mental health state. Assessments can be conducted in the person's home, general practices, community health centre, hospital site or at other agencies.
Welcome to Thursday’s Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Update, 25 August 2016
A total of five people are in Hawke’s Bay Hospital with campylobacter, two fewer than yesterday.
Water from the Havelock North town water supply no longer needs to be boiled before drinking. The third clear water test in a row came back today, allowing the boil water notice to be lifted.
20 March 2018
The swim warning that has been in place in Pandora Pond has today been downgraded to ‘caution advised’. Caution Advised: Overall this site is considered a moderate infection risk.
The HBDHB’s Go Well Team is here to make your trip to visit us easier!
Since 2015, the HBDHB Go Well Travel Plan has been in place to encourage safe, healthy and sustainable travel options to HBDHB locations.
If you are looking for a family doctor, have a look at the list and find one near you. You can also search our database by location. Click on the name of the family doctor/GP to see contact numbers, address details and hours.
A swimming warning on Pandora Pond in Napier is back in place following today’s test results which again shows high levels of bacteria in the pond.
Welcome | Haere mai
If you’re looking for health information and advice in Hawke’s Bay, you’ve come to the right place. Hawke’s Bay DHB and primary health organisation, Health Hawke’s Bay, serve a population of over 165,000 people.
Presentations to accident and medical centres today have been high with 40 people so far presenting to Hastings Health Centre. Other accident and medical centres in the area are also seeing increased numbers of people with vomiting and diarrhoea.