Porangahau Lagoon (Central Hawke’s Bay) Shellfish Warning
Increased levels of e. coli in the Porangahau Lagoon this week has prompted a reminder from health officials to warn people of the risks associated with gathering cockles from the area.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Increased levels of e. coli in the Porangahau Lagoon this week has prompted a reminder from health officials to warn people of the risks associated with gathering cockles from the area.
Hawke’s Bay Hospital is busy and people with less serious health concerns are asked to think twice before going to the Emergency Department.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board works with local community providers and Health Hawke’s Bay (PHO) to spread the word about Rheumatic Fever and prevention. A sore throat can lead to rheumatic fever.
This page contains resources and local contact information that you can view and use. It is targeted at people working with children aged under 5 in Hawke's Bay.
Use the tabs at the side for topic areas to navigate.
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Phone 06 871 5359
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Email taiwhenuapharmacy@gmail. com
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185 Main Road
Phone 06 870 0868
Email: scripts@clivepharmacy. co.
279 Gloucester Street
Phone 06 844 2852
Email gees. pharmacy@xtra. co. nz
Prescription only email: geesdispensary@gmail. com HoursWeekdays 8. 30am - 5.
3 Longfellow Avenue
Phone 06 843 8282
Email info@maraenuipharmacy. co. nz
Prescription only email: prescription@maraenuipharmacy. co. nz HoursWeekdays 8.
7 Leicester Avenue
Phone 06 843 4130
Email admin@tamateapharmacy. co. nz
Prescription only email: dispensary@tamateapharmacy. co. nz HoursWeekdays 8.
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Phone 06 835 8525
Email lifepharmacynapier@outlook. com
Prescription only email: lifenapierscripts@gmail. com HoursWeekdays 8am - 5.