Sunday update August 21
There was more encouraging news from Hawke’s Bay District Health Board this morning as numbers of people seen by general practice and in hospital with gastro illness continues to decline.
Haere maiHow can we help?
There was more encouraging news from Hawke’s Bay District Health Board this morning as numbers of people seen by general practice and in hospital with gastro illness continues to decline.
The Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992The Mental Health Act is in place to make sure that people who have a mental disorder can obtain the care they need under certain circumstances.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is committed to patient safety and the delivery of high quality patient care.
There are resources here that you can view, use, borrow or buy. Follow the links.
Wairoa Community Mental Health is a service that provides assessment and treatment for people who are experiencing an altered mental health state. Assessments can be conducted in the person's home, general practices, community health centre, hospital site or at other agencies.
What do we do?NASC (Need Assessment Service Coordination) Hawke's Bay is an assessment and service coordination agency that assists people with a disability, and their family/whānau, to maintain independence in their home and community, or a residential setting.
Te Wāhanga Hauora Māori Health Services
Nga Tikanga Ki Mua Hei Whakawāteatia A Muri
Wellbeing of our people flows from our values. Improving the health of Māori people throughout Hawke's Bay is a key aim of the staff of the Hawke's Bay District Health Board.
25 September, 2017
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is investigating four confirmed cases of Paratyphoid Fever and is following up three suspect cases. All four confirmed cases have required hospital care at Hawke’s Bay Hospital. At least two of the cases ate mussels gathered from Napier’s Ahuriri area.
A memorandum of understanding has been signed between Hawke’s Bay District Health Board and Cancer Society of New Zealand- Hawke’s Bay Centre to link up care and support for people with cancer.
Hawke’s Bay Hospital is facing unprecedented demand on hospital services, especially acute surgeries, forcing it to cancel some elective surgeries over the coming days.