Submissions and Resource Management
The Population Health Team, which includes the Health Protection Team and Medical Officers of Health, work with local councils and make submissions on relevant plans and policies (such as the local and regional council annual and long term plans, bylaws, gambling and local alcohol policies) and, where appropriate, resource consent applications to ensure that public health aspects are considered and decisions do not impact negatively on public health. Particularly in relation to:
- Air Quality
- Drinking-water
- Hazardous Substances and contaminated land
- Environmental Noise
- Recreational Water
- Sewage
- Waste Management
The sustainable management of land, air and water resources is a key element of maintaining, promoting and protecting public health. The Resource Management Act 1991 governs how New Zealand's environment is managed.
Local authorities use this Act to process and issue resource consents and develop long term strategic plans, which determine how resources such as land, air and water can be used by people.