Physical activity & Nutrition

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Healthy Eating, Active Living

Nutrition , Healthy school environment, Healthy eating, Adolescent, Senior Primary - Updated

What and how much you eat and drink, and being physically active are important for your health. Being healthy improves your quality of life and your sense of wellbeing. Being healthy also means that you are more likely to be around longer for your whānau.

The advice in this booklet is to help you:

This booklet is based on the Ministry of Health’s Eating and Activity Guidelines for New Zealand Adults.

HE 1302

Healthy Eating leaflets in MANY LANGUAGES

Healthy eating, Nutrition , Drinks, Healthy weight, Websites - Updated

Helping New Zealanders stay well - a series of pamphlets and on-line resources in many languages.

These pamphlets are also available locally from Wendi Wolfen-Duvall, Napier Health, 76 Wellesley Road, Napier. 06 834 1815 ext 4162



school canteen

Healthy Active Kids programme - School Canteen Project

Healthy school environment, Healthy eating, Curriculum Development, Nutrition , Adolescent, Senior Primary, Healthy weight - Updated


The School Canteen Project aims to improve the range and nutritional quality of food provided at the school canteen. Food Technology/Home Economics students have the opportunity to either create a new food product or modify an existing product on offer at the school canteen. The unit includes a school-wide survey to determine the needs of the students to assist with the development of healthy, affordable food options.

The overall objective of the Nestlé Healthy Active Kids programme is to raise nutrition and health knowledge and promote physical activity with school-age children around the world. In New Zealand, we partner with AUT Millennium and the NZ Nutrition Foundation to support the development of free teachers resources, designed for teachers in partnership with teachers at School Kit, to inspire healthy and active kids through cross-curricular enquiry-based learning modules that are innovative and informative.

food for fuel

Healthy Active Kids programme - Food for fuel

Healthy eating, Curriculum Development, Healthy school environment, Junior Primary, Senior Primary - Updated

An inquiry-based unit plan that aims to investigate the foods that provide the best type of ‘fuel’ for our bodies using athletes as role models.
This unit provides links to reading, writing and mathematics standards and Te Reo.

The overall objective of the Nestlé Healthy Active Kids programme is to raise nutrition and health knowledge and promote physical activity with school-age children around the world. In New Zealand, we partner with AUT Millennium and the NZ Nutrition Foundation to support the development of free teachers resources, designed for teachers in partnership with teachers at School Kit, to inspire healthy and active kids through cross-curricular enquiry-based learning modules that are innovative and informative.

edible gardens

Healthy Active Kids programme - Edible Gardens

Healthy school environment, Healthy eating, Curriculum Development, Junior Primary, Senior Primary - Updated

An inquiry-based unit plan that aims to investigate ways to make school a healthy place to learn and play using edible gardens as the basis of inquiry. This unit provides links to reading, writing and mathematics standards and Te Reo.

The overall objective of the Nestlé Healthy Active Kids programme is to raise nutrition and health knowledge and promote physical activity with school-age children around the world. In New Zealand, we partner with AUT Millennium and the NZ Nutrition Foundation to support the development of free teachers resources, designed for teachers in partnership with teachers at School Kit, to inspire healthy and active kids through cross-curricular enquiry-based learning modules that are innovative and informative.

breakfast nutrition

Healthy Active Kids programme - Breakfast Nutrition

Healthy eating, Curriculum Development, Healthy school environment, Junior Primary, Senior Primary - Updated

An inquiry-based unit plan that aims to engage students in exploring and developing an understanding of the importance of a healthy breakfast in relation to performance in sport. This unit provides links to reading, writing and mathematics standards and Te Reo.

The overall objective of the Nestlé Healthy Active Kids programme is to raise nutrition and health knowledge and promote physical activity with school-age children around the world. In New Zealand, we partner with AUT Millennium and the NZ Nutrition Foundation to support the development of free teachers resources, designed for teachers in partnership with teachers at School Kit, to inspire healthy and active kids through cross-curricular enquiry-based learning modules that are innovative and informative.


Health Promotion Agency - Nutrition

Nutrition , Recipes, Healthy school environment, Healthy eating, Adolescent, Junior Primary, Senior Primary, Websites - Updated

Meals - Videos - Food Labels - Infographics - Te Reo Resources - Changes resources - Certificates - Sugary drinks Infographics - 100% water resources - Family meals


It's all here for you at the Health Promotion Agency!


Health Promotion Agency - Activity

Healthy school environment, Adolescent, Curriculum Development, Senior Primary, Websites, Activity - Updated

Play every day - Helping families be active - Sit less, Move more -

Activity resources from the HPA

Navigator 2

Health Navigator - eating & drinking

Nutrition , Healthy eating, Drinks, Websites - Updated

Healthy living is highlighted across several aspects of the Health Navigator website. Access to information and ideas on a range of issues including food, smoking, nutrition, oral health, mental health and exercise. Health Navigator is supported by HBDHB.

Navigator 1

Health Navigator

Nutrition , Healthy school environment, Healthy eating, Junior Primary, Senior Primary, Healthy weight - Updated

Healthy living is highlighted across several aspects of the Health Navigator website. Access to information and ideas on a range of issues including food, smoking, nutrition, oral health, mental health and exercise. Health Navigator is supported by HBDHB.

Health & Physical Education Curriculum

Nutrition , Healthy school environment, Healthy eating, Adolescent, Curriculum Development, Junior Primary, Senior Primary - Updated

Selected pages from the NZC document

HPA got time to move

Got time to move? Easy ways to be more active

Healthy school environment, Adolescent, Junior Primary, Senior Primary, Activity - Updated

This poster shows easy physical activity ideas to do as a family or by yourself with the time you have available.   Health Promotion Agency   FREE!!

HPA good food resources

Good Food resources

Healthy eating, Recipes, Nutrition , Adolescent, Junior Primary, Senior Primary, Video, animation, Websites - Updated

The resources show different meals using the core ingredients of beef mince, kidney beans, lean pork and a whole roasted chicken.

There is one A3 poster for each core ingredient. Free copies of the poster can be ordered or downloaded as a PDF. A range of animations showing different meals per ingredient have also been created. These can be downloaded and used on websites or social media. Avaiallbe from the  Health Promotion Agency 


garden to table

Garden to Table

Healthy school environment, Healthy eating, Adolescent, Curriculum Development, Junior Primary, Senior Primary, Websites - Updated

The Garden to Table programme is changing the way children approach and think about food. All around the country, we want to see children enthusiastically getting their hands dirty and learning how to grow, harvest, prepare and share fresh, seasonal food.

fun facts

Fun Facts

Digestive System, Junior Primary, Senior Primary, Curriculum Development - Updated

15 fun facts about the digestive system

OT Mum

Fun Core Exercises For Kids!

Junior Primary, Senior Primary, Activity - Updated

These core exercises for kids may help develop your child's core strength and stability.

Having good core strength can help your child sit well at a desk, and helps  provide a stable base for gross and fine motor tasks.

As an occupational therapist and homeschooling mom, I have used these exercises in the schools where I have worked, as well as  with my own children, so they are easy to do, and designed to be done by kids who may struggle with coordination and strength.

Not all children will become athletes, but all children do need core stability to be functional in daily school and home tasks.

Full obeans cookbook

Full o’ Beans Cookbook

Recipes, Healthy eating, Nutrition , Healthy school environment, Adolescent, Senior Primary - Updated

Legumes and beans are a great heart healthy food – they’re full of goodness as well as being cheap, tasty, and quick and convenient to use. From the National Heart Foundation



Nutrition , Healthy school environment, Healthy eating - Updated

Effective Practice report from ERO.

Young people told ERO that even though they knew what to do, they were

not always able to make these healthy choices. Environmental and financial

constraints limited their ability to participate in physical activity. They were

restricted in their ability to make healthy nutritional choices by the food that

was available to them, either as a result of what was affordable, or what their

parents chose to provide.

Schools and early learning services can teach children and young people

to value healthy food, nutrition and physical activity. To effectively change

behaviour, parents, whänau, local government and the wider community

needs to work together to support children and young people with

opportunities to make the best choices for their health and wellbeing.