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Riding for health at Irongate School

Irongate video IMG Tamariki at Irongate School, Flaxmere are improving their health and wellbeing while learning in the community – thanks to the freedom of having two wheels under…

Year of the Nurse & Midwife: Mati

International Nurses Day Mati International Year of the Nurse & Midwife 2020 – meet another one of our magnificent nurses, Mati!

A member of the New Zealand Pacific Medical Association team…

COVID tent theft disappointing

CBAC tent Three tents were stolen last night [June 22/23] from Napier’s COVID-19 Community-Based Assessment Centre. 

The theft of the tents, used to protect COVID-testing staff from the weather,…

Year of the Nurse & Midwife: Margaret

yotn margaret Margaret Jackson discovered she needed a sense of purpose that involved a one-on-one connection with people if she was to enjoy working, so she handed in…

Wairoa X-ray upgrade underway

Wairoa xray Work has begun to install leading-edge digital imaging technology into Wairoa Hospital.

Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Radiology Manager Angela Fuller said construction within the hospital’s x-ray…

Year of the Nurse & Midwife: Merryn

Merryn A thank you note by a patient left for clinical nurse specialist Merryn Jones sums up why she continues in the profession. “It’s not how much…

Level 1 visitor policy

Visitors Hawke’s Bay Hospital’s visitor policy has returned to normal at COVID-19 Level 1, but do not visit if you are unwell and/or have any cold or…