Physical activity & Nutrition

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Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand, Te Matau a Māui Hawke's Bay takes great care to see to it that material accessible from this site is of value to educators and represents "best practice" in terms of unbiased and well-informed content.

However, Te Whatu Ora, Te Matau a Māui Hawke's Bay cannot be responsible for material which is posted onto other websites which are linked to this one. If you are concerned that material here is inappropriate for whatever reason, please use the "submit a revision" button to let us know.

ted ed22

TED Lessons - Cancer

Adolescent, Curriculum Development, Senior Primary, Video, animation, TED Ed - Updated

TED Lessons come with a video and teaching resources

ted ed12

TED Lessons - Brain Scans

Adolescent, Curriculum Development, Senior Primary, Video, animation, TED Ed - Updated

TED lessons come with a video and teaching resources

ted ed14

TED Lessons - Body Odour

Adolescent, Curriculum Development, Senior Primary, Video, animation, TED Ed - Updated

TED Lessons come with a video and teaching resources

ted ed24

TED Lessons - Asthma

Adolescent, Curriculum Development, Senior Primary, Video, animation, Respiratory System, TED Ed - Updated

TED Lessons come with a video and teaching resources


Takeaways - not all equal

Nutrition , Healthy eating, Adolescent, Junior Primary, Senior Primary - Updated

There are healthy options to many of your favourite takeaways

Navigator 3

Sugar – how to cut down

Nutrition , Healthy eating, Adolescent, Junior Primary, Senior Primary, Healthy weight - Updated

Did you know that fruit juice can contain a similar amount of sugar per 100ml as a fizzy drink? And at 7 cubes per can that's the sum total amount of sugar an adult should be consuming in an entire day!

Sugar content of Fruit

Healthy eating, Adolescent, Curriculum Development, Junior Primary, Senior Primary, Worksheets, Healthy weight - Updated

How much sugar / How much carbohydrate in common fruits?


Stylecraze - illnesses of deficiciency

Nutrition , Adolescent, Senior Primary, Healthy weight - Updated

Find out the conditions that could arise if a healthy balanced diet is not followed. These are 10 conditions that are caused by poor nutritional status.

sport HB

Sport Hawke's Bay

Healthy school environment, Adolescent, Junior Primary, Senior Primary, Websites, Activity - Updated

Website of Sport HB - creating a healthy vibrant community by supporting our people to be more physically active




Speed & Agility Training for Kids

Adolescent, Junior Primary, Senior Primary, Healthy weight, Activity - Updated

Agility, as defined by the National Strength and Conditioning Association, is the ability to change directions and gain speed without losing motor control. It is directly related to speed, balance and coordination skills. Children develop speed and agility at an early age, when they chase their friends or their family pet around the yard.


side stitch

Adolescent, Junior Primary, Senior Primary, Video, animation, Activity - Updated

What's the deal with that sharp pain in your side when you're trying to win that marathon? SciShow has the answers!

Good Food Display NCI Visuals Online

Science Learning Hub Energy for Exercise

Nutrition , Healthy eating, Adolescent, Digestive System, Senior Primary, Activity - Updated

The Science Learning Hub shows how food eaten is used to fuel our bodies to do everyday tasks.

school kit

School Kit

Adolescent, Curriculum Development, Junior Primary, Senior Primary, Worksheets, Websites - Updated

FREE downloadable teacher resources designed for Kiwi kids in Kiwi schools. 


Every School Kit teacher resource is divided into three parts - Find, Apply, Produce.  We developed our model in an effort to provide teachers with innovative teaching ideas that were robustly integrated with opportunities for authentic use of online sources for learning.

NHF fuelled 4 life canteen menus

Sample school canteen menus

Healthy school environment, Healthy eating, Adolescent, Senior Primary - Updated

From the National Heart Foundation


Reading the Nutrition Labels

Nutrition , Healthy eating, Adolescent, Curriculum Development, Senior Primary, Worksheets - Updated

Worksheet to investigate "per serve" and "per 100g".  Maths activity

Pacifika flavours cookbook

Pasifika Tastes Cookbook

Recipes, Healthy eating, Healthy school environment, Adolescent, Pasifika, Senior Primary - Updated

A collection of mouth-watering recipes from the Pacific Islands. Pasifika Tastes is a selection of traditional recipes that have been given a healthy spin as well as modern and everyday recipes that will suit the whole family. From the National Heart Foundation. Free for first 25 (then $1.00 per unit)



NZ Dental Association - Your Oral Health

Healthy school environment, Healthy eating, Adolescent, Curriculum Development, Junior Primary, Senior Primary, Websites, Oral Health - Updated

Good oral health is vital for your general health and well-being. Poor oral health and pain and sufferings in the mouth can have a significant impact on quality of life. In this section you can find information on common dental problems, treatments and oral health care for all age groups.


National Geographic - The Human Eye

Adolescent, Curriculum Development, Senior Primary - Updated


Your Amazing Eyes!


Learn all about the human eye…


You carry around a pair of cameras in your head so incredible they can work in bright sunshine or at night. Only 2.5cm in diameter, they can bring you the image of a tiny ant or a twinkling star trillions of kilometres away. They can change focus almost instantly and stay focused even when you’re shaking your head around. These cameras are your eyes…