Early Childhood Education

This page contains resources and local contact information that you can view and use. It is targeted at people working with children aged under 5 in Hawke's Bay. 

Use the tabs at the side for topic areas to navigate. The site works best when selecting only one tab at a time.

Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand, Te Matau a Māui Hawke's Bay has constructed this page to support those working in Early Childhood as a accessible resource. We will endavour to keep it up to date. Please use the "submit a revison" button for any feedback, updates or suggestions.

Te Whatu Ora, Te Matau a Māui Hawke's Bay cannot be responsible for material which is posted onto other websites which are linked to this one.  If you are concerned that material here is inappropriate for whatever reason, please use the "submit a revision" button to let us know.

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Skin, Allergies - Updated

Information on Eczema

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Food-borne Illness

Gastro, Infectious Diseases, Health Protection, Healthy Eating - Updated

Foodborne illness (often referred to as food poisoning) is the name for illness caused by eating or drinking contaminated food or drink. The Health Protection Team is responsible for investigating food borne illnesses and food poisoning complaints. 

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Gastroenteritis Information Sheet

Gastro, Outbreaks, Infectious Diseases - Updated

Gastroenteritis or tummy bug or gastro - is an infection and inflammation of the intestines or gut.

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Guide to Allergies

Skin, Allergies, Healthy Eating, Child Safety - Updated

The Ministry of Education Guide to Allergies for schools and early childhood services.
It includes:

  • information to increase understanding of allergies and anaphylaxis
  • four key strategies for schools and early childhood services
  • key resources.
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Hawkes Bay Child Health Team

Skin, Immunisation, B4 School Check, Public Health Nurse, Vision & Hearing, Healthy Homes, Healthy Teeth, Healthy Eating, Child Safety, Gastro, Respiratory, Well Child Tamariki Ora, Allergies, Opening a Centre, Hawke's Bay Child Interagency Network Group, Breast Feeding, Physical Activity, Infectious Diseases, Outbreaks, Head Lice - Updated

Click here to learn about the work of our Child Health Team - Public Health Nurses, Vision Hearing Technicians, Ear Nurse Specialists, B4SC Coorinator and Child Healthy Housing Programme.

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Head Lice

Public Health Nurse, Head Lice - Updated

Click here to download an information sheet about headlice.

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Health Assessment Form

Opening a Centre, Health Protection - Updated

Example template for the Health Asessment report for centre based ECE services.

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Health Assessment Visit Information Sheet

Opening a Centre, Health Protection - Updated

When you open a new Centre, you will need to submit a Health Report to the Ministry of Education.  Click here to learn about the scope of a Health Assessment Visit that is carried out by a Health Protection Officer for them to be able to write a Health Report.

For more information around arranging a Health Report contact: Health Protection on (06) 834 1815.



Health Protection Team

Opening a Centre, Outbreaks, Health Protection - Updated

Click here to find out more about Health Protection Officers and the work that they do.

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Healthy Eating and Teeth ECE Flipchart

Healthy Teeth, Healthy Eating - Updated

A resoruce tool for teachers about nutrition and healthy food so knowledge can be applied within their early childhood education centres, Te Kōhanga Reo, or playcentres.

Suggestions of healthy food choices and portion sizes suitable for children  from 0 – 5 years old.

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Healthy Homes

Smokefree, Respiratory, Healthy Homes - Updated

Click here to learn about the Child Healthy Housing Team and the work that they do.

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Healthy Kids

Healthy Eating, Breast Feeding, Physical Activity - Updated

Healthy Kids is full of fun, free and low-cost ideas, recipes and resources on active movement, healthy eating and sleep tips

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Healthy Homes, Health Protection - Updated

The Health Protection Team  provides health risk assessment and health advice for housing that may be unsafe or unhealth in collaboration with other agencies. 

Illness Policy Template Thumbnail

Illness (and exclusion) Policy Template

Gastro, Opening a Centre, Infectious Diseases, Outbreaks - Updated

Information on how to design your illness policy so that the transmission of infectious illness such as gastroenteritis is significantly reduced within your centre.