Sexual and reproductive health — Nelson Marlborough
Most pharmacies and healthcare providers in Nelson Marlborough provide free emergency contraceptive pills to those who are eligible to access publicly funded healthcare in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Sexual and reproductive health services by location
Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa
Renown Building
68 Seymour Street
Blenheim 7201
Phone: 07 810 6610
Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa — Healthpoint (external link)
Visit Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa for:
- abortion referrals
- contraception
- condoms
- emergency contraception pill
- HPV vaccinations
- pregnancy testing
- STI checks
- HPV vaccinations
- advice and support for other sexual and reproductive health issues such as
- cervical screening
- fertility
- gynaecological problems
- menopause
- period problems.
Sexual Health Clinic at Marlborough Community Health Hub
22 Queen Street
Blenheim 7201
Phone: 022 012 7978
Visit the Sexual Health Clinic for:
- condoms
- emergency contraception pill
- STI checks.
Wairua Hospital
30 Hospital Road
Blenheim 7201
Phone: 03 520 9999 ext 6617
Wairau Hospital (internal link)
All doctors and pharmacies in Motueka provide the emergency contraceptive pill or morning after pill free of charge.
This service is available to anyone eligible to access publicly funded healthcare in New Zealand.
Greenwood Health
20 Greenwood Street
Motueka 7120
Phone: 03 528 8866
Greenwood Health — Healthpoint (external link)
Visit Greenwood health for:
- cervical smears
- condoms
- contraception
- emergency contraceptive pill
- pregnancy tests
- STI checks.
Motueka Family Service Centre
27 Talbot Street
Motueka 7120
Phone: 03 528 0234
Motueka Family Service Centre (external link)
Visit Motueka Family Service Centre for:
- cervical smears
- condoms
- contraception
- emergency contraceptive pill
- pregnancy tests
- STI checks.
The Doctors Motueka
27 Wallace Street
Motueka 7120
Phone 03 528 8358
The Doctors Motueka — Healthpoint (external link)
Visit The Doctors Motueka for:
- cervical smears
- condoms
- contraception
- emergency contraceptive pill
- pregnancy tests
- STI checks.
INP Medical Clinic
18 Nile Street
Nelson 7010
Phone: 03 546 8155
INP Medical Clinic — Healthpoint (external link)
Visit INP Medical Clinic for support and healthcare regarding:
- breast checks
- cervical smears
- condoms
- contraception
- emergency contraception pill
- fertility
- period and hormonal problems
- pregnancy tests
- sexual abuse
- STI checks
Picton Medical Centre
114 High Street
Picton 7220
Phone: 03 520 3222
Picton Medical Centre –— Healthpoint (external link)
Visit Picton Medical Centre for:
- STI checks
- condoms
- contraception
- emergency contraception pill (also available at the pharmacy next door)
- pregnancy tests
- cervical smears.
Nelson Sexual Health Clinic at Richmond Health Hub
This clinic offers free and confidential services to everyone, including international visitors.
281 Queen Street
Richmond 7020
Phone: 03 539 3723
Please phone to book an appointment
Visit Nelson Sexual Health Clinic for:
- condoms
- contraception
- emergency contraceptive pill
- pregnancy tests
- STI checks
- certain vaccinations (with restrictions for who can receive them), including:Hepatitis B
Gardasil, MPOX and MMR - PrEP & PEP prescriptions
- cryotherapy for wart treatment
- cervical screening (eligibility required)
Golden Bay Community Health Medical Centre
10 Central Tākaka Road
Takaka 7183
Phone 03 525 0060
Golden Bay Community Health Centre (internal link)
Visit Golden Bay Community Health Centre for:
- cervical smears
- condoms
- contraception
- emergency contraceptive pill
- pregnancy tests
- STI checks (by appointment only)