Hawke's Bay DHB preparing for strike
Hawke’s Bay Hospital’s Anaesthetic Technicians, who are members of the Association of Professionals and Executive Employee Inc (APEX), have voted to strike for 24 hours from 7am 5 October until 7am 6 October.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Hawke’s Bay Hospital’s Anaesthetic Technicians, who are members of the Association of Professionals and Executive Employee Inc (APEX), have voted to strike for 24 hours from 7am 5 October until 7am 6 October.
New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) members have rejected the revised pay offer from DHBs and given notice of industrial action. Nursing, midwifery and healthcare assistants covered by the NZNO Multi Employment Collective Agreement (MECA) have issued notice, to all district health boards, of a full withdrawal of labour.
Members of New Zealand Nurses Organisation are now taking strike action for 24 hours from 7am today until 7am Friday 13 July.
20 March 2018
The swim warning that has been in place in Pandora Pond has today been downgraded to ‘caution advised’. Caution Advised: Overall this site is considered a moderate infection risk.
If you start to feel unwell this winter, seek medical help early before your symptoms get worse – that’s the advice from Hawke’ Bay District Health Board.
The HBDHB’s Go Well Team is here to make your trip to visit us easier!
Since 2015, the HBDHB Go Well Travel Plan has been in place to encourage safe, healthy and sustainable travel options to HBDHB locations.
After a Suicide - Practical information for people bereaved by suicideThis booklet gives practical information that can be needed after a suicide.
Continence services support people who are incontinent. The service works with people to enable them to better manage incontinence, maintain their independence and quality of life, and to reduce health complications which can arise from incontinence.
The Chapel is situated to the left of the main entrance of Hawke's Bay Hospital. The Chapel is open every day from 8am until 5pm. The Chaplains’ offices can be accessed through the Chapel, or from the courtyard outside Zacs Café.
Ostomy services are offered to people who have, or are expecting to require a stoma (a surgically created opening in the abdomen for evacuation of body waste).
Stomas include: colostomy, ileostomy and urostomy. Ostomy services provide people with information, advice and support before and after surgery.