Official Information Act Responses

Hawke's Bay District Health Board publishes responses to Official Information Act (OIA) requests, and supports the open disclosure of information to assist the public’s understanding of how the DHB is delivering publicly-funded health care.

This includes the proactive publication of Official Information Act (the Act) responses on our website. Requester identities are removed (redacted under section 9(2)(a) of the OIA) from the published versions to protect the privacy of the requester.

Official information responses of interest to the wider public and suitable for publication are available here.

2022 July 

ICPSA document

PGY1 House officer hiring data 

Communications and Media staff data and interview volumes

Seclusion data

Bowel Screening and associated figures

Health Partners Consulting

Ernst and young and Holidays Act

RN COVID termination data 

Healthcare workers working with COVID-19

Cost of COVID incentives 

2022 June 

Seismic and Structural information

Precocious puberty treatment statistics

ED wait times and other data

Outsourcing elective surgeries

Accredited community based attachments for House Officers

Rangatahi services letter to General Practitioners

Earthquake prone buildings

Complaints raised by doctors re bullying

Alcohol Harm

Wait times

Staffing levels, Exam figures and wait times

2022 May

Maternal mental health referrals

Staff assaults on patients 

Stuttering treatment

COVID-19 vaccine rollout

Addiction specialists 

Pacific Interpreters

Assaults on staff data

Risk of suicide measurements

Overseas trips and delegations

Remdesivir and ventilators

Exenditure of research contracts

2022 April

Cost of patients and COVID-19

Data on specific symptomatic presentations

COVID-19 costs 

COVID-19 hospitalisations and admissions

COVID-19 hospitalisations, ICU/HDU for covid and non covid

NZSL interpreter bookings 

Type 1 Diabetes 

2022 March

Myocarditis caused by COVID virus

Code red status

Palliative Care

Media access and COVID

Simultaneous C section and tubal ligations

Data re skin cancers

Mental Health and Addiction services data 

Hospital codes

Psychologist FTE data

Feeding tube data

Theatre capacity and electives performed 

ICU beds

Hospitalisations caused by COVID

COVID positive birthing women and support people


Donations and bequests

2022 February 

Emergency Q Service

Assaults on nurses

Surgeries, procedures and assessment cancelled

Seismic concerns

DHB vaccination policies 

ICU Bed investment 

Requests for CA-125 blood tests 

Funding of DEXA scans

Cancer misdiagnosis

Emergency admissions numbers 

Bed availability 

Heart related issues 

COVID initiatives

Public sector carbon neutrality pledge 

DHB international travel emissions 

2022 January

Set up costs for checkpoints in hospitals and facilities 

Declined gastroenterology referrals

Code red

COVID modelling; numbers, hospitalisations, capacity

Guideline/procedure treatment protocols 

RMO Locums 

Cost of COVID healthcare and incentives 

Asbestos Wairoa Hospital
